Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lego Star Wars MOC: Rescuing Ahsoka Part 2: The Extraction

Well, I think I've spent enough time making this. It's time for the second part of my Clone Wars MOC! And what better day to post it then on May the 4th: Star Wars Day! Reinforcements for both sides have arrived, and I think you know what happens the Republic and Separatists encounter each other. Let's take a look, shall we?

So the first thing I did was make a huge fight scene between the characters present before. Clones vs. Droids! Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul! Yoda vs. Count Dooku! Anakin and Ahsoka vs. General Grievous! And...Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Revan? Yeah, that's something I did for fun.

Here we can see Kenobi vs. Maul and two clone troopers gunning down droids. The Z-6 rotary cannon is custom made.

Here a poor clone has just been blasted by a commando droid captain. Also, the battle droid commander in the back is taking on Commander Thire. 

Here a Republic Trooper is blocking a shot from a commando droid from his riot shield and preparing a counter attack.

A Mandalorian Super Commando and two Sith Troopers are squaring off against the ARF Trooper, Airborne Trooper, and Commader Colt, while Luke Skywalker duels with the mysterious Darth Revan. What are using for cover? The same machine that was being used to hold Ahsoka captive before, now torn into pieces by Anakin out of rage and desperation to save his Padawan. 

Speaking of the two Jedi, here they are battling against General Grievous. A bit of trivia here: did you know that Anakin has never fought Grievous directly? It's something that's never happened before, and I decided to make it happen here and now. You can't see it due the angle, but both Anakin and Ahsoka have agressive faces. Ahsoka has a double-sided head, while Anakin does not. Instead, I gave him the face from the 2010 Freeco Speeder set variant of his minifigure, which has an agressive look that fits his character.

This poor Jetpack Trooper has gotten killed by two Battle Droids. The 501st Trooper and 212th Trooper, meanwhile, are taking on a Super Battle Droid and a Droideka.

Here's another shot of Anakin and Ahsoka versus Grievous. Luckily for Ahsoka, Captain Rex also managed to shoot down a Battle Droid that was about to shoot her in the back. Nice move, Rex! You can also see Yoda blocking Count Dooku's Force Lightning with a single hand as their lightsabers clash.

Another Super Battle Droid here has gotten shot by a determined Clone Trooper. You also get a better shot of the Troopers vs. Troopers battle. Oh, and the other Mandalorian is charging a Clone. Who do you think is going to win?

Troopers vs. Troopers and Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Revan here.

Remember those reinforcements I mentioned earlier? Well here they are. You've got Commander Neyo on his personal BARC Speeder battling a STAP underneath a Homing Spider Droid...

...Mace Windu leading a Commander Ponds and a squadron of clones into battle alongside Tarfful...

...a Coruscant Police Gunship dropping troops off to the battlefield (being piloted by a TIE Fighter pilot)...

...Commander Gree manning an AT-AP alongside a Clone Gunner and Zev Senesca (you can't see him but he's in the cockpit) in an AT-TE... battle the Spider Droid while an ARF Trooper takes on an Octuparra Droid with an AT-RT...

...a 212th trooper battling a Commando droid in a speeder chase while Jar Jar runs away in terror...

...and Stass Allie leading my custom-named Captain Ratchet and some more troops against some droids undercover.

One of the Bomb Squad troopers got shot down, but this Heavy Weapons trooper will make those droids pay! 

Here's another shot of the AT-RT vs. the Octuparra Droid.

And here's R2-D2 facing off against a Dwarf Spider Droid using a stud-firing rifle!

Another shot of Jar Jar and the speeder chase. Can you see Bad Cop back there as well?

Here's Commander Gree manning the AT-AP. (Sorry for the blurry pic.)

Here you can see a Clone Trooper that has blown up several droids with a rocket launcher.

Another shot of the Chosen One and his apprentice vs. the cyborg general.

Commander Thire vs. a Battle Droid Commander here.

Yet another shot of the troopers vs. troopers and L. Skywalker vs. Revan.

The Darth Revan minifigure here is awesome!

Another shot of the big battle. I used spring-loaded shooter missiles to replicate blaster shots.

Here's Tarfful tearing a Battle Droid's head off while blasting a Super Battle Droid.

And a final shot of the main battle just to wrap things up.

So, what do you guys think? Think I did a good job, or could have done better? Please leave your opinions so I improve future MOCs of mine. I know the base is a table and not LEGO, but that was necessary. Thank you for reading, and May the 4th be with you! Happy Star Wars day!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lego Star Wars Mini-MOC: Rescuing Ahsoka

Wow, three months since my last post! Sorry guys, I've been overwhelming busy lately and haven't had time to post anything new. Regardless, I wanted to show you guys a mini-MOC I made over March Break. It's nothing special, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

I named the MOC Rescuing Ahsoka because that's pretty much what it is: Ahsoka is captured and held prisoner by the Seperatists, and Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and a squadron of clone troopers head out to rescue to her. There will be a second part to this MOC.

A right-side view of the MOC. The first thing that will probably catch your eyes is the large amount of black blasters. Look closely and you can see two Sith Troopers that I added in for fun.

Ahsoka is helpless to watch as her master duels Count Dooku for her safety. Essentially Ahsoka's view of the battle. The Count Dooku minifigure is from Duel on Geonosis, while the Anakin & Ahsoka minifigures are both from the Coruscant Police Gunship. 

Another view of the battle. You can see several blank Phase 1 troopers, Commander Colt in ARC trooper armour, a Republic trooper wielding a riot shield that I gave him, Captain Rex with a rangefinder attached onto his helmet with Mac Tac, and my Commander Thire minifigure who has a pauldron, two custom commando pistols, and a blaster strapped to his back. You can also Obi-Wan Kenobi & Cyborg Darth Maul, as well as a Mandalorian Super Commando and a Sith Trooper.

Yet another view from a different angle. Here you can see a 212th Airborne Trooper, a 212th trooper whom I use as Commander Cody with a long rifle, more blank troopers, Yoda, and General Grievous. The ARF trooper is wielding a custom-made sniper rifle using two lightsaber hilts and a rifle from the Lego Dino theme. One of my troopers has a brick-built Z-6 Rotary Cannon, and another has a heavy rocket launcher. Also notice the Sith Trooper.

A back view of the MOC.

A side angle view of Anakin's duel with Dooku. You can't tell from the photo, but Anakin has a different head. It is the head piece used on his cold weather variant in the Freeco Speeder from 2010. Also see that I use chains and a pair of handcuffs to hold Ahsoka in place.

The front view of what I like to call The Duel of Despair. That Commando droid kind of got in the way, though. You can see that one of them is a captain and has an energy shield. Ahsoka's head is also turned slightly because her eyes on her angry face are printed looking slightly to the right. 

Another side view of the MOC. Notice the Battle Droid commander with a backpack and clip to hold his weapon.

Yet another view. You can see the Sith Trooper very clearly here. There's also a Mandalorian Super Commando behind the Super Battle Droid, and a Destroyer Droid in the back.

Centered view of the MOC. You can see Captain Rex facing off against the Commando Droid Captain.

And another view. Cyborg Darth Maul and the Sith Trooper stand out here.

Here you can see the custom made sniper rifle my ARF Trooper is wielding. There's also a 501st Legion Trooper there as well.

My heavy rocket launcher clone has a backpack with a blaster clipped on. The rocket launcher is made from one large sci-fi rifle, one of the 1x1 pieces with a stud on top and a hollow stud on one side, a telescope piece, and a camera piece turned sideways. I will make instructions if any requests are put in.

Here you can see a Jetpack Trooper, Obi-Wan, Commander Colt, and my custom Commander Thire. You can see Thire has an extra weapon strapped over his back.

A full view of the MOC.

So what do you guys think? Again, I know this isn't anything major, but I wanted to share it anyway. If you have an questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below. Enjoy, and keep your eyes peeled for the 2nd part to this MOC, coming soon!